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Pavement Licences - the new regime

The Government is rushing through Parliament a new streamlined process for to apply for a “Pavement Licence”. This temporary authorisation will short-circuit the usual suite of consents required under the Highways Act, planning law and (in some cases) street trading regimes. The purpose of the new licence is to help the beleaguered hospitality sector in a time of social distancing. Together with Sarah Clover and Leo Charalambides of Kings Chambers, I have co-authored for Nexstart (the National Exit Strategy Advice & Response Team for the Hospitality and Entertainment Industry) a guide on this section of the legislation.

The document will be kept updated as the Bill passes and then to reflect its experience in practice. The current version is V 2.0.

Other relevant links are:

We will be delivering a webinar on Wednesday 1st July 2020 to run through some of the important changes and consider whether the new provisions strike the right balance between economic regeneration and the public interest in safe and accessible streets. Details to follow.

Charles Holland -

Licensing law, chancery/commercial litigation and property.

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